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Reflexology and Massage

Reflexology Lymph Drainage

Wendy Decker

Reflexology Lymph Drainage

I went to a workshop recently on Reflexology Lymph Drainage, or RLD, in Vermont. Created and taught by UK reflexologist Sally Kay, it is not only for lymph edema, but also auto-immune diseases, depression, pain,  and Lyme disease. If you have one of the conditions above, you may want to try a series of 30-60 minutes RLD and reflexology sessions. This really works! Some of you may even have a condition that needs more study, such as Parkinson's disease, or one of the conditions listed above. I need to do one or two case studies, so please get in touch if you are interested, and we can chat about it. 

I personally noticed that I had more energy after the first practice session at the workshop. Then I had a blinding headache the next day for about half the day, and I sweat profusely and odiferously (at least for me) for several days. These types of reactions don't occur for me with regular reflexology. I felt a detox going on. 

Some people in the workshop had pain and it was gone after a session. Others had a reaction of feeling exhausted and sleepy that night, or alternatively were energizer bunnies. One woman could feel fluid draining from under her arm. She had some lymph nodes removed with breast cancer surgery. Though she didn't have lymph edema, she could feel a fullness under her arm that she felt draining during a session. Another woman at the workshop was having a great deal of trouble walking prior to the session, and could hardly transfer from wheelchair to chair, and at the end of the second day of RLD training, she was able to walk all the way outdoors to get pictures taken. And was able to move fairly quickly, though she still used her walker. 

RLD is performed on the feet, and/or hands. It has some similar techniques as regular reflexology, but is a totally different protocol. It is more gentle than regular reflexology and very relaxing. For lymph edema, I suggest trying 4 weekly sessions, then evaluate to see if the sessions could be further apart. For other types of issues, like depression for instance, you would go for 4 weekly sessions and evaluate, but will probably need to continue weekly for another month or more, before you will know if it is going to work for that issues and to what degree. I wish I could tell you how many sessions you would need to feel better, but there is no way to know for sure. Everyone is different. 

Wendy Decker LMT


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Massage Therapy & Reflexology

14 Walker St, Bath, ME 04530


14 Walker St. is a very steep street. Park in driveway on right side of building. Entrance (my name is on door in small letters) is on right side of building, towards the back of building.
White house, b right blue trim. Reflexology and Massage studio is a sun-room in the back of my home.

If you have a medical condition, please be sure to see your doctor. 

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