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Reflexology and Massage

Taking new clients. 
Licensed Massage Therapist & Nationally Certified Reflexologist, Wendy Decker offers  Foot, Hand and Ear Reflexology, Neck, shoulders & upper back massage w/reflexology, Leg massage with reflexology (good for neuropathy), Rejuvenating Facelift Massage, Facial AcuZone Reflexology, Indian Head Massage,  Structural Reflexology for foot issues), and Hot Stone Reflexology
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About Reflexology And Massage


30 years experience


Wendy Decker is a member of ABMP (Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals) and MCR (Maine Council of Reflexologists), as well as RAA (Reflexology Association of America) and ICR (International Council of Reflexologists). 


Wendy offers foot, hand & ear reflexology, facelift massage, structural reflexology, neck shoulder and upper back massage, Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD), leg massage (esp for neuropathy), Facial AcuZone Reflexology, and Indian Head Massage.  Sessions may include  acupressure, Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD) and quantum touch energy-work.

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Facial AcuZone Reflexology

Incredibly relaxing, and stress reducing, this new form of facial reflexology is great for headaches, migraines, sinus issues, and may help the organs closest to the points being worked, such as the eyes, ears and brain. 

Clients LOVE it!  



Acupressure points are places on the skin that conduct bioelectrical impulses in the body. When stimulated with pressure in acupressure massage, endorphins are released. As a result, pain is relieved in affected areas. Increased circulation of chi (life force energy) and blood causes muscles to relax and promotes healing.  Acupressure is incorporated into a session. 

To Buy Essential Oils

This is the online site where I buy most of my essential oils. Rocky Mountain Oils.

My Practice

I LOVE Reflexology !!
(Just in case you hadn't figured it out yet)
And I love to help people feel better. 
Licensed Massage Therapist 1993
Certified Reflexologist
Board Certified Reflexologist 1995
Acupressure Practitioner
Reflexology Lymph Drainage
RLD is performed on the feet and/or hands, using a specific reflexology protocol, usually takes 30-60 minutes and can be combined with regular reflexology or other types of bodywork. Helps with lymph edema, edema, auto-immune disease, pain, and depression. 

How Can Reflexology Help Me?

How Can Reflexology Help Me?


  • Reduce my stress

  • Induce deep relaxation

  • Help my digestive problems & incontinence

  • Assist immune system disorders

  • Help my back pain & pain in general

  • Help my PMS & menopause symptoms, prostrate problem & other endocrine issues.


I've just had a reflexology treatment from Wendy. It was completely rejuvenating. I felt that my energy was well-balanced. To my surprise, the treatment not only included foot reflexology, but my face and arms. Totally relaxing. LS - Retired



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Massage Therapy & Reflexology

14 Walker St, Bath, ME 04530


14 Walker St. is a very steep street. Park in driveway on right side of building. Entrance (my name is on door in small letters) is on right side of building, towards the back of building.
White house, b right blue trim. Reflexology and Massage studio is a sun-room in the back of my home.

If you have a medical condition, please be sure to see your doctor. 

Copyright © 2019 Massage Therapy & Reflexology - All Rights Reserved. 

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